Taylor Winstead

Author's posts

Final Blog Post

Hello all! Thank you so much for sticking with me through this and I hope you enjoy some last little musings about linear algebra in the form of my final reflection……. Throughout this process, I feel like I learned so much, but the most valuable lesson that I took away was how to self-teach. That …

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(Almost!) final reflection!

Hello all! So I know that I have not really updated everyone in about two weeks, so I am rectifying that now! I am sadly finishing my final project up in the next couple of days, and then I will be done. This has been an amazing experience, and I will be so sad to …

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Slide Deck Continuation: problem set and 6.2

Hey guys! So, continuing on with the form from last week: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lEncZxDz1arN1WrSx1FSnIwdfHLOmOZhAsaWKCNWgqE/edit#slide=id.g12575e89743_0_98 here is the slide deck again: for new updates see from slide 25 to the end

A New Strategy!

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lEncZxDz1arN1WrSx1FSnIwdfHLOmOZhAsaWKCNWgqE/edit#slide=id.g12575e89743_0_69 *This week, I decided to try something new: instead of a LONG video, I made a helpful slide deck: for lesson 6.1, please go to the page, entitled, lesson 6.1, which is on slide 12 and beyond: the stuff before that, is a work in progress đŸ™‚

3.4 and More problems

lesson 3.3

Weekly (written) update

Hello all! So this week, you will have to settle with less content from me (I know you’re devastated), because I was at a two day in person debate tournament, and simply did not have the time to fully prepare good tutorials, and edit them. However, that gives me time to talk about several important …

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Weekly Video Posts

Midterm Reflection:

It’s been another month and I have made a lot of progress. Above, I attached some samples of work that really shows the progress that I have made. In terms of content, I have progressed into much more theoretical territory. The current chapter that I am on is about subspaces and dimensions of linear transformation: …

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Lesson 3.1 beginning

Hello! So this week I started lesson 3.1: stayed tuned for next week’s blog post finishing up 3.1 and also going over some problems from 2.4 Part one