Linear Algebra Proposal

A Study of Linear Algebra: 

Content Advisor: Dr. Prudhom 

Guiding Questions of the Course: 

  • What is linear algebra?
  • Learning strategies for how to struggle on my own with problems, and learn from a “college” textbook?
  • What does it look like for two people to struggle and work through problems together as mathematicians? 
  • What are applications of linear algebra?

Preliminary List of Resources: 

Main Course Text: Otto Brescher’s Linear Algebra *previously used in other independent studies with Dr. Prudhom 

Helpful resources

  • Linear Algebra, (Khan Academy): 
  • Linear Algebra Full Course for Beginners to Experts, (Geek’s Lessons): 
  • Linear Algebra-Full College Course, ( 

Monthly Plan and Assessment: 5 Units 

DecemberChapter 1; Linear Equations+ Weekly video posts + posted updates on notes and questions
JanuaryChapter 2: Linear Transformations + Weekly video posts + posted updates on notes and questions
FebruaryChapter 3: Subspaces of R^n and Their Dimensions+ Weekly video posts + posted updates on notes and questions
MarchChapter 6: Determinants + Weekly video posts + posted updates on notes and questions
April Chapter 7: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors + Weekly video posts + posted updates on notes and questions
May Time built in for if some of these assignments or chapters require more time than expected *if time is permitting explore other chapters 
Final Assessment: Dr. Prudhom will potentially assign a final problem set as an exam, and he will evaluate the overall learning, engagement, and understanding noted from the rest of the course, as well as the posts that I made and how I used the blog.  

How much time per week: 

The amount spent on a normal class period: 

  • minimum: 5 hours a week like a traditional class: combination: free period (E), outside of school and weekend homework time
  • meeting time: Lunches on Day three 

Major Commitments: 

  • Congressional Debate: Once to twice a week practice 
  • Winter Musical: the number of days a week changes based on the week (not a lead role)

Full Schedule: 

  • Advanced Latin Lit
  • Intermediate Mid French 
  • AP Seminar 
  • Western Lit 
  • Physics M 
  • Honors Precalculus 
  • Free period 

Description and Reasoning: 

This independent study is important to me for several reasons. Firstly, my previous Algebra two math course at my old school covered a lot of Honors Precalculus material at the discretion of the teacher, but not quite enough to allow me to advance to AP calculus. I would really appreciate a way to challenge myself in math this year. My other classes are feeling quite light on homework, and I am ahead in several classes, giving me time to explore this opportunity. Linear algebra appealed to me specifically because I am very analytical, and I want to learn more about some more theoretical, analytical concepts. My homework load is feeling very light this year, and this is a way to challenge myself. 

I respond to self guided learning, and often enjoy struggling through extra material on my own, and grappling with concepts. That is one of the reasons why teaching myself out of a college text appeals to me: I can hone my ability for self-guided learning. 

I met with Dr. Prudhom several times and we created this month-by-month plan based on his experience teaching the class, and realistic expectations of a good minimum to commit to. We are following a plan based on suggestions that the textbook gave, combined with the topics that Dr. Prudhom and I think would most appeal to what I want to get out of the course. I am, of course, open to any suggestions surrounding the curriculum, as my whole goal is simply to learn and grow in this area.