Taylor Winstead

Author's posts

Lesson 2.4

Here are three videos that break up lesson 2.4 into (slightly) more manageable chunks lesson 2.4 beginning

My New Plan for Posts

Hello all! So one of the reasons that I post such in depth videos is for myself; it is helpful to go back and look at them. But I recognize that a lot of people do not have that kind of time…so what I am doing now is releasing two posts: one with videos, and …

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Weekly Post: lesson 2.3 Problem Set

Weekly Video Posts; lesson 2.3. (matrix products)


Transformations Problem Set


Giant, and ever changing Rule book

*some theorems, laws, and rules that I find helpful to have written out for reference đŸ™‚ Algebraic rules for A(vector x): A(vector x+ vector y)=A(vector x) + A(vector y) A(k(vector x))=k(A(vector x)) matrix form of linear system: A(vector x)=vector b Lesson 2.2 vector x=the vector parallel to L(x ||) + the vector perpendicular to L …

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Transformations Weekly Videos

Hello all! Here are my weekly videos: I will say, one thing that I noticed watching through is that the screen is REALLY hard to see: I am going to try to rectify this by sending out a written post tomorrow explaining in words a lot of what was discussed, and next week I will …

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Weekly Video Posts : linear transformations and inverses

So I took a different approach this week: here are three short videos on the chapter: while skipping around will make it harder to understand: I think that you can kind of skim or pick which ones you want to see, and still get a good feel for the chapter: Video One: https://youtu.be/ORqd90gyNMI Video Three

Video #4

Example problems from lesson 1.3 (the end of the chapter!) I cut down the length a lot, so hopefully the video is a little less daunting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weAflAfgEys

Video #3: number of solutions+ laws of matrix algebra

If you don’t want to sit through this whole thing, the video is really split up into two parts. The first one ends around minute 20. And at the end of the day the most important part of Part two are the two equations listed at the end (the video is really just the context …

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