Author's posts
Jan 23
Theoretical examples from lesson 1.2 (continued)
Hello all! I originally planned to make this post a short video, but after filming an hour-long explanation of lesson 1.3, I made the decision to think realistically about the aesthetic, and emotional appeal of over an hour of explanation of linear algebra! So instead….a quick article. Last week, my meeting with Dr. Prudhom centered …
Jan 22
Linear Algebra Proposal
A Study of Linear Algebra: Content Advisor: Dr. Prudhom Guiding Questions of the Course: What is linear algebra? Learning strategies for how to struggle on my own with problems, and learn from a “college” textbook? What does it look like for two people to struggle and work through problems together as mathematicians? What are applications …
Jan 15
Hello and Welcome!
Hello and welcome to my Independent study! My name is Taylor Winstead, and I am so excited to be studying linear algebra this semester with Dr. Prudhom as my advisor. I have a passion for teaching, and sharing my learning, so the way that my posts will work is that each week I will upload …